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Creating Culturally Relevant Mathematics for Ghanaian Children

Part 6. Ghana Project. InspireMath (late post). Our last work in Ghana culminated with a workshop with over 90 teachers and leaders in the Gamoa East District. "Beyond Excellence: Creating Culturally Responsive Teaching in Mathematics for Ghanaian Children". Let know one fool you, a culturally relevant teaching system and approach is NOT automatic for Black children - nor is it impossible. In visiting classrooms, teaching lessons, hanging with people and spotting the children in excellence, the message of the workshop was not magical. Much love to the Ghanain people for opening up their hearts, heads and hands to this movement.

  1. There is untapped potential and (hidden) excellence in the minds, talk and play of Ghanaian children. WE must mine (teach) it as ferociously as we mind the gold of Ghana.

  2. Teachers can question the traditional structures of school mathematics that use antiquated, cultureless UK styled textbooks, limit students' participation, and quite frankly don't engage.

  3. We can begin a movement, at any time, and anywhere where we empower teachers and students to think differently about how math is taught for ALL children.

  4. Everybody can be good at math!

Special thanks to the phenomenal leadership of Quinton Sherlock and theAce It Foundation which is changing lives in Ghana.


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